Marine FC is proud to announce WFST LTD as SHIRT SLEEVE sponsor on the Men’s First Team shirts for the 2023/24 season.

Co-founders, Neil Flynn & Phil Dean are friends with ChrisDoyle, for Marine – making this sponsorship very personal.

WFST LTD design and deliver the standards within the fire safety and training sector – offering bespoke packages for a multitude of companies (including training and testing for fire safety compliance) including Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (our local services). Their vast experience has allowed them to develop a strong reputation and grow significantly in recent years.

Phil Dean said “To be able to support Chris on his football journey with Marine FC is both a personal and professional privilege. Our company is always looking for ways to give back to the community and this sponsorship created a win-win opportunity where our brand has great visibility on the kit. We are looking forward to following Chris and Marine closely this season.”

James Leary, CEO at Marine said “We are delighted to have WFST as sponsors this year and have high hopes that both Marine and Chris will make the company proud both on and off the pitch. This is the first time that Decal sponsorship has been offered this season in the Northern Premier League and WFST jumped at the chance to take this up. Marine looks forward to embracing the company this season and making them feel part of the wider team.”


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